Troubleshoot MS Word Error Code 0x8004fc12

Error 0x8004fc12 typically occurs with an easy installation. This error approach that windows cannot be activated. Due to the fact that that is a generic activation error, it can additionally give you other Microsoft​ packages together with office 365, 2013 and 2016. The principal reason for these errors are commonly whilst the activation servers are busy, if this is the case then we need to wait until the servers aren’t busy for that, try re-activating a couple of hours later. Second most common cause for this to occur is if you are not on the internet, this one is simple to check. Make sure you’re wirelessly or wired (connected) to the router and the internet up. While you are able to browse websites or use the internet-associated carrier, that means you are on the internet.
Avail Tailored Support at Microsoft Office​ Word Support

So basically you can follow the above-stated instructions and most hopefully now you’ll now be able to retrieve your MS Word​ and can resume your work with the past glory. In case if the problems still persist then immediately contact our Toll-free Microsoft Office Word Support​ 1-877-353-1149 and get personalized support from our certified representatives. We are world-class technical support service provider​ actively operating across the USA and CA serving 24*7 round the clock. Since we offer remote technical coverage so you have the privilege to call us anytime from anywhere. We are just a call away.
 The premiere most cause for this to occur is if an update is pending which obstruct a second request from your system to the activation servers. If you have now ensured all of the above points then we are able to proceed with the methods underneath to troubleshoot the problem further.

Type Firewall in the search box and choose Windows Firewall.
 Turn the Windows firewall off from right here, and then re-attempt activation. In case you use an antivirus software program and your firewall is managed by it, then make sure you switch the firewall off there as well. It could be performed by means of hovering over the mouse to the anti-virus software program icon and choosing the “disable” option by way of knocking down the menu (right-click).
 Lastly, if none of the above works then I would suggest you call our Toll-free Microsoft Office Word Support​ 1-877-353-1149 active across the USA and CA and get immediate assistance with respect to your need. Our dexterous technical support​ assistant will thoroughly take care of your issues and would surely rectify from any remote location. We are just a call away.
